
Showing posts from March, 2017

what problem with Paypal today in India

there was a time when Paypal was only available to the world but nowadays things are changing very fast. Paypal now has so many competitors globally and locally. Till now Paypal is world's largest and fast growing online e-wallet. Nowadays some e-wallet companies are giving tough challenges to Paypal. Payza and solidtrust pay are growing and becoming very popular in the very short period of time but one thing everyone must be agreed with me that Paypal provides the best security and safety of your wallet. One can use Paypal wallet blindly. Paypal also charges very little transaction fee as an exchange of currencies. Instead of having such benefits some people are claiming on the internet that Paypal is no longer a safe place for any business. I took the matter very seriously and decided to research on the internet. What I have found that the claims of those people are completely wrong.  I already told you that Paypal take business very seriously and safety of their customer is thei

How to top up recharge your mobile pay bill in India with payza ewallet

Paypal was the first digital wallet which started its journey more than 10 years ago. During that time very few people were aware of digital e-wallet. In our country after may 2014 when the new government was formed in India our honorable prime minister Sri Narendra Modi appealed to every Indian to build a digital India. Since that day digital transaction risen rapidly in India. Nowadays almost every Indian family has a bank account. Those who have Janadhan Bank account also have Rupay card which they can use to withdraw cash from ATM as well as can shop online. With this digital wallets are also becoming very popular among young generations. Mostly they are using the wallet to recharge mobile phone and sending money to their relative. In recent times after demonetization, many people used Paytm e-wallet. Today we are going to discuss a topic with Payza e-wallet.  Recently payza launched a facility which facilitates Indian users to use their Payza e-wallet balance to recharge their Mob

Hotel raj palace in new digha a brief review

Who doesn’t want to roam around in nature? Different people have different choices. Some like seas and some like visiting holy places and some like to trek in mountains. When we go to a tourist place we try to stay there for at least 3 to 4 days. For this, we need to find hotels. We all want a good facility and fair price hotels. Tourism business over the past few years is ramp rising. Each year you will find new hotels in tourist spots. Recently a new hotel named Hotel Raj Palace is under construction on new Digha. An image is shown below. As it is under construction building so they have not started to book hotels. Based on what is seen on the image it is expected that the hotel will start its journey in 2017. So at this moment, it will not be fair to review it. We will give you a detailed review one it starts its journey.  Wishing you all a happy summer. The Summer brings lots of stress to innocent animals and birds. Do something whatever you can do to solve their distress. I reques

How to fill India Post cheque deposit slip sample form fill up

Government of India has taken a great step by forcing most major organization to use Cheque as payment option. Before this step most major organization like co operative bank gave loans to their customer or member in cash but now they will issue Cheque for members. This will definitely help government to collect more tax. Most people are not accustomed with this feature but as this now compulsory, people have to learn it. So this post I am giving a sample copy of filled up form. In this sample form 1 to eight numbers are given. How to fill up India post Cheque deposit form is mentioned below. Instructions have been given below in both Hindi and English. If you find any difficulties in this sample fill up procedure please mention them in comment section. If this article is helpful to you then don’t forget to share it with the needy person. Your little share can help then to do their work easily. How to fill India Post cheque deposit form (1) Enter your account number (2) Enter cheque de

How to fill boi bank cash deposit form or slip

If we want to do something we can do it no matter how tough the work is. Our present central government has showed that by providing free bank account opening to every Indian. This is not an easy task but strong determination and support from common man helped to achieve the goal. The step will definitely help the nation and the common man. When every people use bank account for daily transaction, black money can be stopped. Government will get income tax from people which will help to build the nation. There are lot more benefits of having a bank account to public and nation but the main problem now we are facing that not every people of every family is educated. Many people face difficulties while go to bank for transaction of money. As we all know that to deposit or withdraws of money one need to fill up the form of respective banks. Many people don’t know how to fill up the form to deposit money or withdraw cash from their own account. I asked many banks to arrange for a sample fil

aadhaar card mobile number bank ke sath link karne ke application letter

आधार हैं आम आदमी का परिचय पत्र। आधार आज सभी भारतीय नागरिक के लिए आबस्यक हैं। आज कोई भी भारतीय नागरिक बच्चे से बूढ़े इंसान कोई भी उम्र के लोग आधार बना सकता हैं। Indian सेंट्रल government ने आज सब्सिडी पानेकेलिये आधार आबस्यक हैं। Ration , स्कॉलरशिप , बैंक लोन के लिए आधार लगता हैं। ऐसा देखा गया हैं की अगर आप बैंक अकाउंट खोलना चहेते हो तो आधार और पैन कार्ड देने से ही अप्प दुरंत बैंक अकाउंट ओपन कर सकते हैं। सर्कार ने GAS में सब्सिडी पाने के लिए aadhaar mandatory किया हैं। बैंक के साथ आधार लिंक होने पे ही आप gas सब्सिडी money अपने कहते में प् सकेंगे। देश में आजकल लगभग साबिक बैंक account हैं लेकिन सभी का अकाउंट के साथ aadhaar linked नही हैं। हमारे माननीय प्रधान मंत्री श्री मोदी जी ने USSD के जरिये मोबाइल बैंकिंग भी सूरी किया हैं। अपने account   के साथ mobile number लिंक करके आप आसानी से बैंकिंग का सुबिधा उठा सकते हैं। हमारे आज का पोस्ट का टॉपिक हैं की aadhaar card bank ke sath link karne ke application लेटर कैसे लिखा जाये। Aadhaar and mobile number linking bank application This application let

Tourism ministers name of different states in India

अगर में किसी से पुछु के उसे घूमना पसंद है या नही तो १०० में से १०० लोग जबाब देंगे की उसे घूमना पसंद हैं। भारत में टूरिज्म बिज़नस GDP का ७% कंट्रीब्यूट करता हैं। केंद्र और राज्य सर्कार टूरिज्म बिज़नस को popular करनेका कौशिश कर रहा हैं। टूरिज्म न सिर्फ मनोरंजन कर सकता हैं इसके साथ टूरिज्म बोत सरे बेकार युबक का सहारा भी बनरहा हैं। हमारे देश में लगभग हर स्टेट्स में टूरिस्ट स्पॉट हैं। हमारे आज का पोस्ट का उद्देस्य हैं आपको हर स्टेट्स का tourism minister का नाम बताना। अगर आप कोई competitive एग्जाम की प्रिपरेशन ले रहे हो तो ये आपको बोहोत सहायक हो सकता हैं। मैंने देखा हैं की हर स्टेट गवर्नमेंट की एग्जाम में आजकल ये सब सवाल दिए जा रहा हैं। current awareness टॉपिक में ये सवाल आने का chance बोहोत हैं। ये अपडेट २०१७ साल का २र मार्च तक दी गयी हैं। आबि बोहोत सरे स्टेट्सmein इलेक्शन चल रहा हैं।  अगर गवर्नमेंट चेंज हुआ तो ministers चेंज होने का चांस रहता हैं।  इसी लिए हमने इलेक्शन के बाद सारे स्टेट्स का Tourism ministers का नाम अपडेट करेंगे।      India (Bharat) ke different states ke Tourism ministers k