
Showing posts from March, 2018

Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2012 Family law 2 question and answers

Friends , today we are going to share with you a question paper of law from University of Burdwan. We already have shared Torts and Jurisprudence question paper of Burdwan University. Today we are going to share family law 2 question paper. In future we are also going to share the share the answers with you. As this is a family law, we take no responsibility of accuracy of the answers. Please consider this as answer writing pattern but we try our best to maintain the accuracy of the content. Family law 2 will cover topics like pre age, schools, marriage(Nikaha), Dower(Mahr), succession etc. In exam pattern there exist 10 questions.  From 2014 exam pattern has been changed . Now you have to attend 4 questions of each 20 marks. Hope this information will help you. Feel free to share this with your friends. Your little share can help your friends. Question papers of Family law 2 for 2013, 2014,2015,2016 and 2017 will soon be published. Please Subscribe e-mail newsletter to stay updated wi

Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2012 Torts question and answers

Friends from this month we have started posting study materials related to legal education i.e. law. Today’s topic will cover an important topic i.e. Torts. Torts means civil wrong. Cases which may be considered as civil wrong as trespassing , defamation , negligence etc. in this article we are going to provide you some questions which is part of famous University i.e. University of Burdwan. Our intention is to provide you ten years questions but it is quiet difficult to have them . the sooner we have access to the questions we will share this with you. Today we are going to share with you just 2012 First semester torts questions. 2012 torts questions is little different from current one. Now written exam paper is of 80 marks but 2012 paper is of 100 marks. Hope this little information will help you. Law of Torts                                                                                Year: 2012 Duration: 3 Hours                                                                   

Burdwan University 3 years LL.B 2012 Jurisprudence question and answers

Burdwan University is one of the famous universities in India. In the year of 1971 the University started law section. In 2014 University changed the syllabus a little. Before 2014 the question paper carried 100 marks but now each paper carry 80 marks and 20 marks internal. Feel free to share this with your friends. Full marks: 100                                      Duration: 3 Hours Answer any five from 10 questions 1) “Jurisprudence is a study relating to law”- Discuss. (20 marks) 2) Discuss the Volksgeist theory of Savigny. (20 marks) 3) Discuss the Groundnorm theory of Kelsen along with the criticism leveled against his theory. (20 marks) 4) What do you mean by Possession? State the difference between Ownership and Possession. (8+12 marks) 5) “Rights and Duties are always correlative”- Discuss with exceptions, if any, to this theory. (20 marks) 6) Define Custom. Discuss the essential of valid custom. (20 marks) 7) Explain the different theories of punishment with special referenc