
Showing posts from August, 2018

Burdwan University LL.B 2018 first semester Hindu law exam question papers and sample answers

Paper code: 3.1.4 Full Marks: 80                                                                       Duration: 3 hours Group –A ( Answer any One ) 1. What are the requisities of a valid custom under Hindu law? Discuss with specific case Law? 2. Discuss the various sources of Hindu law in Detail. Group –B( Answer any three ) 3. Distinguish between the following: (a) Judicial separation and Divorce (b) Stridhan and Woman’s estate (c) Natural Guardian and Testamentory Guardian (d) Void and Voidable marriage 4. What are the requisites of a valid adoption according to the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956. Can married Hindu female give in Adoption. 5. Comment on the Hindu Succession Ammendment act 2005. 6.  (a) State the provisions of the Hindu marriage Act relating to Restitution of Conjugal rights. (b) What are the remedy of the plaintiff if the defendant refuses to resume cohabitation after decree for restitution of conjugal right is passed by court. 7.  (a) What are the grounds

Burdwan University JURISPRUDENCE LL.B 2018 first semester exam question papers and sample answers

Subject: Jurisprudence Paper code: 3.1.1 Full Marks: 80                                                                                        Duration: 3 hours Answer any four of eight questions 1. “Jurisprudence is a study relating to LAW”- Discuss the statement in the light of scope and utilities of studying Jurisprudence. 2. Discuss the essential ingredients of a valid custom. 3. Discuss the various theories of punishment along with criticisms against these theories. 4. Discuss the “social engineering” theory of Roscoe Pound 5. Define ‘Right’. What are the elements of legal right. 6. Define ownership. Distinguish between ownership and possession. 7. “Law is the command of the sovereign” –Discuss. 8. Write short notes on( Any two out of three) (a) Artificial person (b) Natural Law (c) Legal status of a unborn person

Burdwan University Law of Contract LL.B 2018 first semester exam question papers and sample answers

Subject: Law of Contract Paper code: 3.1.2 Full Marks: 80                                                                            Duration: 3 hours Answer any four of eight questions 1. “consideration is an essential requirement for the formation of a valid contract. However, there are still certain agreements that remain valid even if there is no consideration”-State your opinion on the above statement. 2. “ Fraud and misrepresentation vary only slightly”- Do you agree with the above statement? Base your opinion with reason. 3. “ Quasi contracts are regarded as valid under chapter V of Indian contract Act 1872”- Explain these contracts in detail. 4. What are the rules regarding time, Place and manner of performance of contracts between promisor –promisee, as has been highlighted in section 46-50 of Indian Contract Act 1872. 5.       (a) “Parties to a contract must either perform or offer to perform their respective promises”- comment on this rule and Highlight or explain the e