
Showing posts from September, 2018

What is Alimony pendente lite under Special Marriage Act 1954?

According to Section 36 of Special Marriage Act 1954 – “Where in any proceeding under Chapter V or Chapter VI it appears to the district court that the wife has no independent income sufficient for her support and the necessary expenses of the proceeding , it may, on the application of the wife, order the husband to pay to her the expenses of the proceeding , and weekly or monthly during the proceeding such sum as having regard to the husband’s income , it may seem to the court to be reasonable.” Important points of Section 36 – 1. Applicable for proceeding under Chapter V(Restitution of Conjugal Right and Judicial Separation) and Chapter VI( Nullity of Marriage and Divorce) of Special marriage Act 1954 2. Only wife has the right to claim Alimony pendent lite 3. District court feels that the wife incapable of maintaining her and run expenses of proceeding. 4. District court order husband to pay the reasonable expenses for proceedings which will be paid to wife weekly or monthly. 5.

Burdwan University LL.B 2018 first semester Constitutional Law exam question papers and sample answers

Subject: Constitutional Law I Paper code: 3.1.3 Full Marks: 80                                                                Duration: 3 hours Answer any four of eight questions 1. Discuss the nature of Indian constitution. How salient features of Indian Constitution differs from the basic features of the Constitution? 2. Explain “State” as provided under Article 12 of the constitution with reference to the decided landmarks cases. 3. (a) Explain the principles of equality as laid down under Article 14 of the Indian Constitution. (b) the state Government issued an order under Article 15(4) of the constitution reserving 68% of seats to backward and more backward classes and 32% seats   made available to the merit pool in the Medical and Engineering collages. The validity of the order was challenged by a student who had secured more marks than these admitted under the order. Decide. 4. Explain the freedom of press as developed under Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian constitution with