
Showing posts from December, 2018

Legislative relationship between Union and States Important case laws and summery

Subject : Constitution of India Topic:  Legislative relationship between Union and States case laws summery 1. State of Bombay v. R.M.D.C (AIR 1957 SC 699) The Respondent was not staying in Bombay but he started a Competitions with prize money through a newspaper printed and published from Banglore and got a wide circulation in Bombay. All the essential activities like filling up of the forms,entry fees etc for the competition took place in Bombay.The state govt. sought to levy tax the respondent for organising such competition in the state. The question for decision before the Supreme Court was if the respondent, the organizer of the competition, who was outside the state of Bombay, could be validly taxed under the Act. Judgment: It was held that there existed a sufficient territorial nexus to enable the Bombay Legislature to tax the respondent as all the activities which the competitor is ordinarily expected to undertake took place mostly within Bombay. 2. Tata Iron and Steel compan

Code of Civil Procedure CPC Res Sub Judice Res Judicata Important case law

Res Sub Judice: Two competent court can not trial the same subject matter case simultaneously. The first court where the suit was instituted has the right to trial it first. Section 10 of CPC describes about Res sub Judice. Important case laws: 1. Indian Bank V. Maharashtra State Coop Marketing Federation Ltd AIR 1998 SC 1952 2. Balkishan V. Kishan Lal ILR(1889) II All 148 (FB) 3. Shri Ram Tiwari V. Bholi Devi, AIR 1997 part 76  Res Judicata: When the case has been adjudicated and a remedy or compensation is received then no further case will be instituted on the same subject matter but appeal can be proceed. Section 11 of CPC describes about Res Judicata. I mportant case laws: 1. Indian Bank V. Maharashtra State Coop Marketing Federation Ltd AIR 1998 SC 1952 2. Workmen V. Board of Trustees, Cochin port Trust 1978 SCC 119 3. Lalchand V. Radhakrishan 1977, SCC 88 Read more articles: 1.  Easy tricks to remember power of President of India 2.  Easy tricks to remember Fundamental duties