How to cultivate Sesbania grandiflora Bok ful agasti in Indian climate

Hi friends. Before starting today’s topic first I want wish you all a very happy new year (2016). Today I am going to share with you a great topic which will help you to keep your health feet as well as give you the opportunity to earn as well. Some of you must have guessed which topic I am going to discuss.
How to cultivate Sesbania grandiflora Bok ful agasti in Indian climate
Today I am going to discuss about a medicinal plant which have both fitness and economical value. Today’s topic is how to cultivate Sesbania grandiflora Bok ful agasti in Indian climate. Each and every year population is rising rapidly and with that employment opportunity is falling down. Every year lots of companies are closing their business. Government is not recruiting young boys. Facing such critical situation young generations are stooping towards self finance independent business. Today’s topic will help everyone especially those are belongs in agriculture. The topic will cover how to cultivate Agasti, how to protect and prevent tree from insects and business opportunities from flower.

Sesbania grandiflora Bok ful agasti in Indian climate cultivation

Agasti plant is mainly found in tropical climate and mainly cultivated in India and Malaysia. Bok ful plant is very sensitive to cold temperature. For cultivation 25 temperatures is ideal. Soil with 50% sandy and 50% ckay is ideal for agasti cultivation. Agsati tree can gain a height upto 10 meters. It is a very fast growing tree. Within first six month it gains height 3 meters.
(*) Purify the seed in a cup of distilled water.
(*) Keep then in a dark place to germinate the seed
(*) Dig soil at least 5 inch for the plantaion of Agsati seed.
(*) Add adequate water (1/2 ltr per day is enough) everyday

How to protect Agasti tree from harmful insect

Like every plants Agasti plant is prone to insect attack. Ants caterpillars bacteria, fungus and virus attacks are common in nature. You can use gamexine to prevent ants. You can also use neem oil to stay away other insects from the tree.

Economical values of agasti:

Agasi flower is very popular among Indians. It is type of medicinal plant which can be eaten as a fry or can be consumed as cooked food. If you are running or plan to run a fast food business then you can use Agasti flower fry. It is both healthy and tasty.

How to fry Agasti flowe/Bok Flower:

While writing this post my mother suggested me to write how to fry Bok/Agasti Flower. The ingredients are very simple. For 8 Flower fry you need 4 table spoon of Besan, Salt to taste and little mount of red chili powder. Preparation procedure is very simple. Take a small bowl and add 4 cups of besan add pinch of salt, chili powder and mix them with water. Make a thick little mixture. Now heat oil in a frying pan and fry one by one.

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