CESC WBSEDCL electricity meter disconnection sample application letter

Hi guys, hope you people are enjoying the summer. Many of my blog readers are sending requests to help them, I am extremely sorry that I could not help all of them as I have other things to do beside blogging. Today I am trying to fulfill one of my readers request. Hope it will be useful for him. Today I am writing for hi a sample application letter for CESC WBSEDCL electricity meter disconnection sample application letter. The addressing part can be different. Please ask to the authorities regarding whom to address the letter.

Meter disconnection sample application letter

The Chief electrical engineer,

Sub: Request for meter disconnection for consumer ID: 123456789

With due respect I want to state that I A K Saha, WBSEDCL consumer ID: 123456789 want to disconnect meter connection at [enter your address details here] as we are shifting to [Enter new place address, this is an optional, you don’t need to tell them where you are going].

     So, I request you to disconnect the meter connection for the above mentioned consumer id.

                                                                                                                 Thanking you,
                                                                                                                 Amal Kumar Saha

                                                                                                                Consumer ID: 123456789


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