
Showing posts from August, 2016

BSNL launched Sunday special free unlimited call from 15.08.2016

BSNL Land लाइन ग्रहोंके के लिए एक खुश खबरे। BSNL अब हर रविबार को लैंड लाइन से किसी भी नेटवर्क में आप निशुल्क बाते कर सकते हैं।   ये खुश खबरी BSNL ने SMS के द्वारा हर ग्रहाक को बताया हैं। जो मैसेज ग्रहोंके ओ को दिया गया हैं वो निचे कोटेशन माँ दिया गया हैं।     “Dear Customer, BSNL announces Unlimited Free calling from BSNL landline to any network’s mobile and landline on all Sundays from 15 th Aug 2016. This unlimited free calling scheme on all Sundays is in addition to free night calling to all networks already being offered from 9PM to 7AM.” BSNL ने पहले भी एक ऑफर दिया था जिससे कोई Land line ग्राहक BSNL या फिर दूसरे नेटवर्क में रात ९ बजे से लेकर सुबह ७ बजे तक बिना पैसे दिए अनलिमिटेड बाते कर सकते हैं।    इस ऑफर से BSNL का लैंड लाइन ग्राहक और Broadband ग्राहक लाभ उठा सकते हैं। कुछ दिन पहले BSNL ने एक सस्ता ब्रॉडबैंड प्लान का ऑफर दिया था। इस ऑफर माँ ४५० रूपया में आप broadband कनेक्शन पा सकते थे। इस कनेक्शन में आपको कोई Land

Lost mobile phone with SIM sample general diary application to Police

We all are now living in digital world. This digital world starts with a small gadget that is found almost in every household and that is mobile phone. It seems that our life is concentric to this little gadget. Once upon a time when people could do only voice calling from  mobile phone, after that SMS came and almost every phone is equipped with internet. This internet facility attracted more people to join in digital world. This little gadget bringing enjoy to people. Sometimes this little enjoyable gadget can bring little stress to you. Yes when we lost our phone it brings a great stress to us. You lost phone have SIM which can be misused by some bad people. When this happens, what is the first thing we need to do, first you need to talk to your mobile network service provider and told them to temporarily disable your connection. After that you visit to your local police station and lodge a general diary. Here I have provided a sample lost mobile gd application letter. Make a Xerox

top 10 genuine high paying Indian Survey panels list 2016

Money is term which is needed by everyone from a teenager to adult person.  In India children below the age 14 are restricted to do job as it is considered as child labor and laws have been implemented to stop child labor. From the past ten years a tendency has been noticed that every person trying to become financially independent. Retired persons house wives students and any persons not having a full time job always look for way to earn in their free time. Some part-time jobs are available in the market some pays to panelist and some are in the market to scam people. Some scam sites ask money for job, trust me most of them are fake. They will take your money and give you noting but time and money waste in return. I am writing articles about survey panel sites and reviewing each of them in my blog since 2011. You may search my blog to get reviews of survey panel sites. Here in this post I have enlisted some worldwide trusted survey panel list which pays to panelist genuinely in time.

How to calculate day from any date year range 1900 to 2099

Hope we all are familiar with the term magic. In our childhood days we suppose to see magic in street, fair and obviously in school. Most children are amazed when they see such magic. If I ask a grown up guy “what is magic actually?” the answer probably be like it is nothing but deception of eye but the main thing behind that is pure science i.e. pure mathematics. You probably seen some magic tricks performed in street that you tell any date and the magician will tell you which day it is. Very interesting isn’t it.  Here in this post I am going to share with a real trick which will quiet hard to find in other place. Trick name is calculate day from a given date. Benefit of learning to calculate day from date: 1. You can surprise anyone with this trick. 2. You can impress your girlfriend too. 3. If you are applying for a job then type of problems are given in competitive exams. You can solve such problems less than 20 seconds. 4. We all have a recent year calendar in our home but do not

Try new TRAI MySpeed App to measure your internet speed on smart phone

It will be hard to find a person who is unaware of internet and Android nowadays. Most people now use data pack in their smart phone. 2G is the most popular internet pack in India. Every person pays the same price for data but not everyone is lucky to get same speed. As an example a person suppose recharge Rs.100 2G data pack and when he is in City location he gets an average speed of 20 KBps but when he is in out of city i.e. village he gets the speed half the speed he received in city. So the user is not getting the speed he deserves. Do you know that when your mobile phone you give service tax to your Government. So the government has the responsibility to ensure that telecom operators are giving better service to customers. Is is a tough task for TRAI to track network conditions of user and to solve such problems TRAI developed an app which will help them to identify telecom operators network conditions. The article will describe what is the importance of this app, download link to