How to fix wordpress post content not showing on home page wordpress purging site cache guide

Hi friends, it's been more than 45 days I am missing you people. Due to illness, I detached myself from blogging. During these time period, I received many emails. Thanks to all of you for remembering and loving this site. One visitor named Ajit asked me a question regarding wordpress blogging. He faced a serious problem and asked me to solve that. So I decided to solve his problem today. The main problem he was facing that he was posting on wordpress but post items were not shown on a Home page of his wordpress blog. He also told me that it happened approximately 15 days ago when he updated the wordpress. I visited his website and carefully examined the problem and finally got the solution. I have used some basic tools which is available freely and which was provided by Google. Go through this article and you will know about it. From experience point of view, I am giving you some tips and guide you so that you can solve the problem by yourself.

How to fix Wordpress home page not showing published post?

I will tell you why problem but before the solution, you need to know the problem. The following two points will give both your answers.

(A) Reason for not updating post in Database and home page:

The one and only reason for this kind of problem is your installed plugin in wordpress blog. You may not believe this but this is the ultimate truth.

(B) How to solve home page content not updaing?

As I already told you that external installed plugin are creating this type of problems. You probably are using some type of caching plugin. To solve the problem either you have to uninstall the caching plugin or clear the caching. If you are not sure how to clear the caching plugin then it is better to remove the plugin and again install the caching plugin.

People also searched for:

I have searched this topic in many forum and noticed that many people are suffering the same way. Most people are saying that after a wordpress update this problem arisen to them. If you are facing problems similar to the following queries then this tutorial will be useful for you.


2. How to Fix WordPress Website Not Updating Right Away Home Page not updating

3. How to solve wordpress website home page post content not updating

4. How to purge cache in wordpress?

5. I made changes in wordpress but nothing happened in home page

Hope these little tips really helped you. Subscribe our email newsletter to get more related articles like this directly to your email after post. You can circle us on google plus, like our facebook page and don’t forget to subscribe our youtube channel to get free video tutorial. If you are still having some problem then please write your problem in the comment section.


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