Burdwan University LL.B 2018 first semester Family law II or Muslim law exam question papers and sample answers

Llb  family law II first semester 
Paper code: 3.1.5
Time: 3 Hours     Total Marks: 80

Answer any four out of eight questions

 (a) What do you understand by source of any Law?
(b) What are the primary sources of Muslim law?
(c) Discuss the role of legislation in the development of muslim Law in India.

 (a) Define the form ‘marriage’ or ‘nikaha’.
(b) What is the object of muslim marriage?
(c) What are thevarious types of Muslim marriage?
(d) Critically examine the statement- Marriage among Mohammedans is not a sacrament but purely a civil contract. (4+4+6+6)

 (a)What are the principal modes of dissolution of a Muslim marriage?
(b) Briefly discuss the types and essential condition of talaqul-sunnat.
(c) What is talaq-ul-biddat? Is it in operation in India? Answer with decided case laws. (4+8+8)

 (a) What is dower or Mahr?
(b) What are the various types of dower?
(c) How a muslim wife can enforce her dower right?
(d) What will be the presumption a s to prompt and deferred dower if the Kabin Nama fails to distinguish between prompt and deferred dower? (4+8+4+4)

 (a) Define will.
(b) What are the essential conditions of a valid will?
(c) What are the limitations upon the testamentary power of a Muslim? (4+8+8)

 (a) Define waqf.
(b) What are the essential conditions of a valid waqf?
(c) How a waqf can be created?
(d) What are the various types of waqf? (4+8+4+4)

 (a) Define the term Hiba.
(b) What are the essential elements of a valid hiba?
(c) Can a Muslim divorce claim maintenance under section 125 of the code of criminal procedure 1973? Illustrate your answer with the decided case laws.(4+6+10)

   Write any four short notes out of six. (5x4=20)
              (a)    Iddat period.
              (b)   Option of Puberty.
              (c)    Doctrine of valid retirement.
              (d)   Asab-al-farz on class I hairs
              (e)   Khufa(It is Khula) and Mubarat
              (f)     Effect of fasid marriage


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